The following information is for reference only.((( Old version )))
Uphold to the principle of sustainable development.
Our important mission is to keep making
progress and pursuing excellence.
Venture Capital Advisory
Integration/ Coordination/ Capital Operations/
Once commissioned, Capital solutions will be provided.
Company Registration No.[1582280-K/202401036433]
Board of Directors, Major shareholders and Leadership
QRT General Industrial Technology Development Centre
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and AI system.
………………………………………………Practical experience.
Technology Development Engineering.
Venture Capital Advisory丨We are here丨Domestic projects.
Once the board of directors is established,
the future development of the organization
will be determined by the board of directors.
The mission is in progress.Official Business: Industrial property & Production technology.
Technology Dynamics and Trends.
Technology Development Engineering.
Investment, Management and Development programOrganization’s Value Orientation.
同中有异, 异中求同
Differences in similarities,
Similarities in differences.………Introducing Core Values.
…..Introducing Core Values.
Introducing Core Values.Outsourcing Projects.
Design and planning.
Systematization begins.
Resource integration and
Manpower Recruiting Team
……………………………………………Vision-Oriented/ Creative Project Ideas/ Imagination/
……………………………………….Development Strategy
…………………….Management Strategy
…….Investment Strategy
……………………………….Keep pace with the times.
Project Ideas/ System setup/ Road-map/ 7 Whys/
Uphold to the principle of sustainable development.
Here is the letter of, Act, Become……………………………………………………
Goals, Vision, Mission and The Big Picture.
Major shareholders,
Organization establishment.
Leadership and Channel resources.
Role definition and Role positioning.
Establishing Corporate Behavior.
Business scale design.
Local project ideas.Short-term, Medium-term, Long-term.
Priority Tasks: Official business.
Projects, Goals and Budget.
and other related activities.We can’t have everything,
but we must have alternatives.
We must have the necessary knowledge.
Find answers when you have questions.
All difficulties must be overcome.
Do it step by step, layer by layer.
Applicable facilities or tools.
Optimization is necessary.
System software.Decision-making unit.
Content of the resolution.
Strive for more advantages than disadvantages.
Move forward according to the established goals and vision.
The website will be redesigned as needed.[ 知者行之始,行者知之成 ] 實踐
[ 各就各位,各司其职,各尽其责 ] 能力
You are really Capable/ Talented/ Wisdom/
………..Questions/ Answers/ Solutions.
The Big Picture.
Confirm correctness and feasibility.
………..Perintis dan Berusaha.
Pioneering and Enterprising.
Value Creation/ Penciptaan Nilai.…’..””
………..Perintis dan Berusaha.
Pioneering and Enterprising.
Artificial Intelligence Driven Solutions
Company Registration No.[1582280-K/202401036433]
Investment, Management and Development
Related Organization Links
QRT General Industrial Technology Development Centre
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and AI system.
Technology Development and Engineering
…………………….Production Technology
Chairman of the Board
Board of Directors………..…….…Board of Investment
Senior Officer
Board of Management………….…….Board of Development
Project Code: 囗 囗 囗 囗 囗
Executive Director: ……………………………………… ( )
Invest in Real Industry@Small and Medium-sized Industrial Assets.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Project Development@Classification
……………………………………Project Invention Ideas.
………………………………….Technology Introduction.
…………………………….New Energy Technology.
……………………………………….Development Strategy
…………………….Management Strategy
…….Investment Strategy
Getting ready for boarding.
Different classes play different roles.
Operating procedures are being developed.
Keep pace with the times.
In search of Excellence.
Some technical issues still need to be resolved.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Everyone matters.
Upload, Download or Delete.
Priority Tasks.
Once the organizational leadership structure is complete.
Each performs its own functions.
Focus on ROI/ESG/SDG/
This is the official start.
Stay in touch!
Ecological Technology.
Environmental and Livelihood.
= = = = = = More or Less = = = = = =
Investment, Management and Development (ROI)
认为, 作为, 成为丨Think, Act, Become…
Artificial Intelligence Driven Solutions.
(((從心出发))) Start with the core.(Believe)
Vision2Vision Implications: Mutual benefit and Win-Win.
The organization leadership is scheduled to be completed in November.
Our Agency:………………………………………………………..
Establish coordination and Resource integration.
Resource application and Resource allocation.
Project Evaluation and Management.
Production Technology.
Production Systems.
Think, Act, Become…
Vision, Mission and The Big Picture.
Personal, Teamwork and Organizational Skills.
Investment, Management and Development Strategy.
………………………..Optimal Value Creation.
Local or Export markets.
Investment Opportunities
Enterprise Core Competitiveness.
Technology Dynamics and Trends.
Technology Development Engineering.
Investment, Management and Development program
Enterprise Core Competitiveness.
ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance.
It also means Environment, Economy and Security.
Perintis dan Berusaha.…………………………..
Pioneering and Enterprising.………………..
Vision and The Big Picture.
……………………………………….Development Strategy
…………………….Management Strategy
Investment Strategy
Rights of use and Ownership.
Brand Strategy
Create awareness
Detail and Specific
Create awareness
Quality & Value
Investment/ Management/ Development/ Industrial Ecosystem/
Desire/ Perseverance/ Confidence/ Enthusiasm/ Professionalism/
What are the essential skills for modern executives?
From a holistic perspective, create value or improve society.
and various solutions to seek return on investment and ensure the sustainability of the project.
Go all out and let us create a better future together.
Of course, these tasks are not easy to accomplish
Can be very challenging. I believe the problem can be solved.
Focus on Goals/ Vision/ Big picture.
I am more concerned about ecological technology. development.
But we also need to ensure the feasibility of each project.
Now we start looking for suitable projects.
Local and Export markets
Software and Hardware.
About the concept of this center.
The correct name may be subject to change.
QRT General Industrial Technology Development Centre
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and AI system.
Some feasible projects will be developed here or carried out in partnership.
From what I understand, this project is necessary for the younger generation.
The scale and equipment will be designed according to local needs.
Promote local development to keep pace with the times.
Small and Medium-sized Industrial Assets.
Artificial Intelligence Driven Solutions.
Advantages, Potential, Opportunities.
Project Ideas, design and planning.
Prerequisite tasks are now underway.
Detailed plans will be announced later.
Capital Solutions
Venture Capital Advisory firms
Once commissioned, Capital solutions will be provided.
Company Registration No.[1582280-K/202401036433]
Major shareholders, Leadership and Channel resources.
Past experience, Today’s technology.
Project investment, management and development ideas.
Local project and operations manager vacancies welcome.
Program evaluation, resource specification and integration.
Artificial Intelligence Driven Solutions.
Concept of Times.
As for whether the market is good or not?
We are committed to innovation and finding new markets.
Supply and demand statistics can be referenced in a variety of ways.
The website will be redesigned as needed., Confirm and Connect…
Based on the principles of sustainable development.
Priority industries, options or feasibility projects.
Organizational Framework.
Artificial intelligence (AI) Is a group of technologies.
Some types of artificial intelligence include: = = = = =
Artificial intelligence (AI) is technology that enables computers
and machines to simulate human learning, comprehension,
problem solving, decision making, creativity and autonomy.
Applications and devices equipped with AI can see and identify objects.
Focus on diversity.
Supply and Demand dynamics.
Undersupply and Oversupply.
Climate and Environmental change.
In short, be prepared to move forward
toward your goals and objectives.
Go all out, begin with the end in mind!
According to the necessary conditions.…………..
Follow up on ESG Investment, Management and Development.
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and AI system.
Return on Investment (ROI) Values and Effectiveness.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has many benefits, including: …………………
Improve, Optimize and Encourage in specific areas.
Supply Chain Overview and Trends.
Opportunity cost.